So, we've been getting feedback that the mini-shoots are a little hard for some families- because, well, we're in Utah- and Utahns have a lot of kids and need more time for a photo shoot. So I talked to Clay and he said he would open up some other dates so that we could have some regular shoots as well. Here's the details...
Available through the months of July and August.
Donation: $100.00 (Clay's normal charge is $150.00)
What you get:
-1 hour of shooting
-An assistant to help with the kids
-Disc of 20-25 edited images with copyright release
-Warm fuzzy feeling knowing that your donation got you awesome family pictures, AND 100% of your donation helped a family "Keep Smiling" through the crappiness of cancer.
Here's a look at a family shoot from last Summer. Cute right!?!
I'm sure we'll do one more of the photo shoot fundraisers in the Fall, but it will be for Clay's normal charge of $150.00 because Fall is always crazy busy for family pictures.