We have always promised to be completely open about the money we earn from Fundraising and where it is going. So if you are interested, here it is...
2014-Benefiting the Jay Crump Family
-Millie's Bake Sale at Cafe Rio Corporate office- $267.00
-Walton Family Photo Shoot- $200.00
-Mommy and Me Sing and Play Group 6 participants @ $25.00 each TOTAL- $150.00
Thank you to Margaret, Liesl, Christie, Nicole, and Debbie for letting your kids participate
-Donation Soward Family-$25.00
-Donation from Karen Canen- $100.00
-Amy Christensen donation- $100.00
-West Family Photo Shoot- $150.00
-Burr Family Photo Shoot- $200.00
-Funds raised from Etsy Store- $500.00
-Christiansen Family Photo Shoot- $200.00
What did we do with the money? We Provided a family of 6 with tickets to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Six Flags + a little extra spending money for the trip. The cost was $2000.00
2013- Benefiting the Rachel and Kevin Norris Family
-Online Auction Total- $1810.00
-Millie's Bake Sale- $350.00
-Mommy and Me Sing and Play group- $375.00 (including extra donations from the Allred, Hilbert, and Kelson Families)
-Family PhotoShoots- $415.00- Zurcher Mini Shoot, Reeves Family, and Cali Family
TOTAL- $2950.00 + a little something extra to make it an even $3,000.00
We raised $3,000.00 in just a month and a half worth of Fundraising. Thank you so much for everyone who generously donated to our cause and supported our Keep Smiling Project!
What did we do with the money? We gave it directly to the family to help pay medical costs and go towards a Disney Cruise when they were ready to vacation.
2012- Benefiting the Talitha and Tom Hanks Family
-Summer Photo Shoots- $900.00
-Fall Mommy and Me Play Group (8 kids @ 25.00 each)- $200.00
-Generous Donation from the Bell Family- $500.00
- Millie's Bake Sale- $250.00
- 2 Fall Mini Photo Shoots on 10/6 and 10/10- $200.00
-Photo Shoots on 10/13,10/18,10/25,10/27,11/3,11/18, 12/5- 1100.00
-Generous Donation from the McFarland Family- 50.00
TOTAL FOR 2012 - $3200.00
We combined this money with our own money to send an amazing family of 6 to Disneyland for 7 days in November. The trip included airfare, hotel, local transportation, 5 Day Disneyland Tickets, and a little spending money.
Thanks a Million for your support in our fundraising projects! I can't tell you what it means to us to see this whole thing actually happening! We already have a list of other families we are waiting eagerly to help! Stay tuned for all the things we have planned for 2013 and if you are interested in donating or getting involved, let us know!
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